Last Thursday Paul began a week of vacation and we were able to take a trip to Baltimore, MD to visit our good friends Kyle and Katie Van Arendonk. At the time of purchasing our tickets, Kyle and Katie were expecting their first child and we were hoping that the new babe would be at least a week old by the time of our arrival. However, Katie went through 41 weeks of pregnancy and so Anika Kate was a mere three days old when we met her! Although our trip had many highlights, meeting Anika was definitely the best. She is absolutely adorable!
On Friday, we took the afternoon to see the sights of Baltimore, via the Water Taxi. We had a great time on the boat and enjoyed getting out a couple of times to walk around the Inner Harbor.

We enjoyed walking around the monuments, so after eating supper at the Old Ebbit Grill, we walked down to the Mall for a second time and enjoyed the monuments all lit up. The WWII monument was Katie's favorite.
One of the stops took us to Fort McHenry which was a military fort used in the War of 1812 when the British Navy attacked the Baltimore Harbor.
After this battle took place, the flag still waved in the same spot as the flag in the picture below. This inspired Francis Scott Key to write the "Star Spangled Banner."
On Saturday, we took a day trip to Washington D.C. Neither of us had been there before so we definitely heeded advice from many before our trip. We ended up walking the whole day instead of opting for a bus tour and although we were glad to stop at our hotel by late afternoon, we were glad we chose the walking option. We visited three museums: The Museum of Natural History (our favorite), The Air and Space Museum, and The Museum of American History. We definitely enjoyed walking around the National Mall and visiting all the monuments. The Washington Monument was Paul's favorite.
This is the view from the Lincoln Memorial.
Although we did see the First Dog, this was the only picture we took around the White House.
We enjoyed walking around the monuments, so after eating supper at the Old Ebbit Grill, we walked down to the Mall for a second time and enjoyed the monuments all lit up. The WWII monument was Katie's favorite.
On Sunday morning, we drove to Arlington Cemetery. It was a quick trip because of the heat but we were able to see the Kennedy gravesite, the eternal flame, and the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.