Jace slept in a little bouncy seat in the living room of our old house for the first two months of his life. (Ruby took back the "nursery" b/c she just wasn't ready for a big girl bed in a room in the basement. After 5 weeks of horrible nights, I gave up on her and stuck her back in the crib, and we got our good sleeper back!) Jace then slept in a pack-n-play in the living room until we moved. He started sleeping through the night around 3 months. He goes down between 8 and 9 and sleeps until at least 6, but sometimes as late as 8 or 9. He now has his own room in the new house and after just a few short weeks of living here, Ruby decided she was ready for the big girl bed and decided to give her crib to Jace! Jace has made each transition very easy on us and doesn't seem to matter where he sleeps! He isn't much of a snuggler (completely opposite of his sissy), but he loves sleeping with his diaper rag near his face or sometimes completely covering his face. He usually takes 4 naps a day and naps frequently on the floor, ottoman, or carseat when we are traveling to all of Ruby's activities and play dates.
2 months
3 months
4 months

5 months
At two months, Jace weighed 12 pounds, 6 ounces (69%) and was 23 inches long (66%). At four months, he weighed 16 pounds, 7 ounces (82%) and was 26 inches long (86%). Growing boy! At times I think he looks a lot like his big sissy, but there is one significant difference! Ruby definitely has Paul's long, thinner face and Jace has my rounder face, which has been proven by his head circumference measurements. At 4 months, his head circumference was in the 73rd percentile. Ruby's head size was always somewhere in the 20th percentile.
Jace first rolled over around 3 months. It then took him several weeks to do it again. Ruby was very excited for him to get this trick down and would often be caught "helping" him. Around 5 months, Jace definitely had the rolling down and now can't seem to stay on his back when playing on the floor. He can roll both ways and knows how to spin himself in circles. He likes to play under his play mat, although he frequently pulls the whole thing over. But don't fear... he doesn't seem to mind! In fact, pictured below is a time when he fell asleep under it while I was making supper. :)
He occasionally gets his butt up in the air like he's trying to push himself up but I think it will be awhile before the crawling stage. He can tripod sit for just a little bit, but it doesn't take long for his little face to be on the ground. He has also recently been introduced to the bumbo seat, exercauser, and jumperoo. I think he enjoys them all!
We started rice cereal around 5 and 1/2 months. We didn't think he was ready until we started seeing him grab at everything we were eating. The first couple days he seemed to love it. But after those initial days, he doesn't seem to care for it at all. We have also tried green beans and squash but he didn't seem to care for them either. So we are taking a little time off as he seems to be satisfied with his milk only diet for now.
Jace also got two teeth right around 5 months. One came in and then two weeks later the second one popped through. We could definitely tell they were on the way due to the amount of drool we saw every day! And before the second one popped, he sure wasn't too happy about it! Every time I left the room, he cried. I literally had to sneak out of the room a couple times! Luckily, the tooth popped pretty quickly and he went back to being his content, happy self.
Whew...I feel better now! Poor Jace has to endure the affects on being the second child. Apparently I'm still trying to figure out life with two and some things, like keeping monthly updates, and doing a monthly photo shoot with a cute little sign have gone by the way side. Hopefully I update on my cute little Jacer before another 6 months pass us by! To end on a more positive note, I absolutely LOVE having a little boy. He just lights up the room and I can't get enough of his cute little smiles.