More on the teeth... he first just had one of his I teeth coming in... hillbilly style. Then we noticed the other one was coming in as well...changed to the vampire look. One of his front 2 teeth is now poking in as well but all of them have a little ways to go.
Jace just started crawling this past week, a week or so after turning 9 months. He also pulled himself up to the ottoman the other day but has yet to do it again.
At his 9 month checkup, he weighed 22 pounds, 6 ounces and was 29 inches long. These measurements, along with head circumference, were all in the 85th-86th percentile...quite proportionate!
He waves all the time and has started to give kisses as well. He's still a bit stingy on the kisses but he will soon catch on that his mama needs several a day! He seems to be in awe of his big sister and wonders how she can move so quickly. He loves to watch her!
He also has the eating thing down like a champ! He eats plenty of baby food, his favorites being the fruits! We have tried a few table foods and so far we know he loves macaroni and cheese! He also loves ice cream!
We put up the Christmas tree last week and he has been doing great with it! The only times he goes for the tree is when he is in the living room by himself. So apparently, we have sneaky one on our hands!
This last picture shows what happens on nearly an every day basis. The poor boy gets woken up from his morning nap quite frequently so we can get out of the house and attend one of Ruby's activities. And somehow, some way... he doesn't mind and is still just as happy as can be. Love you, Jacer.