We had a little Hawkeye party for him the Saturday before his birthday. The Hawks actually played that day and won! Both sets of grandparents were able to join us for his party. He LOVED his cake! He started out just touching it with one finger but was soon grabbing with both hands. He was also pretty serious about it, which made us all laugh.

Technically, he's taken his first unassisted steps, but we definitely can't call him a full fledged walker just yet. He is close and gets closer each day, but for now he thinks crawling is cool enough. He cocks his head to the right when he wants to get somewhere really fast. Apparently that must help somehow! He can climb our full flight of stairs but doesn't really care to do it too often... but I think it's just because he loves being downstairs.
Boo, we LOVE you to pieces! You are such a fun loving little boy that has made our family so happy! We love to laugh and be crazy with you and are excited to see how your little personality grows in this next year! We thank God for you and pray you grow to know Him!