I love the 4th of July! And this year we had a great one! Ruby and I started off the holiday by making a strawberry pie.

Paul had to work for part of the day but the kids and I, along with Papa and Grandma and several families from our church, attended the Coralville parade. I had never been to this parade before and it was quite something! People set up tents along some of the busiest roads on the parade route. It looked like how the roads look when people tailgate for Iowa football! The parade also lasted for an hour and a half! Ruby has always loved parades. This was Jace's first parade (outside of his sitting in his carseat anyway!) and oh. my. goodness. He LOVED it! Maybe even a tad more than his sissy which is really saying something! He sat on the curb the entire hour and a half, which is also really saying something! It was a gorgeous day but we were sitting directly in the sun, so I reapplied the sunscreen three times! Some highlights for Jace were seeing all the tractors and trucks and of course seeing Herky, the parade marshall!

We then headed to Williamsburg were Jace got a much needed and well deserved nap! And then we woke him up for parade #2! Needless to say, the kids have enough candy to last a while!
I can't get enough of these cuties ;)
We let the kids do some sparklers that evening at Papa and Grandma's house. A little nerve-wracking ;)
Paul met us in Williamsburg for supper, sparklers, and fireworks!
Waiting for fireworks.
Around 9:00 Jace got pretty tired and just sat on Paul's lap... which is a rarity! But he stayed awake and once the fireworks started, he was in awe. He couldn't take his eyes off of them!
The whole day must have really worn him out. He fell asleep the instant we got on the road for home and I WOKE him up the next day at 11:20 AM! Crazy boy!