This boy cracks. me. up! And sometimes makes me want to pull my hair out! Just kidding, buddy :) Jace is such a little ham and has a smile that can melt my heart in a second! He is for the most part a very good natured little boy but lately has had his fair share of temper tantrums. Basically, because he has very little patience. We're working through it (I've been telling him to take a deep breath when he's upset and it is actually working! And it is too darn cute!) and Ruby has been a GREAT little mom in helping him learn how to act! Luckily, he is a very polite little boy and uses please and thank you very well which for now trumps his lack of patience. ;)
Jace is an amazing sleeper. He sleeps 11 hours each night and takes a 3-4 hour nap each afternoon. Redeeming quality, let me tell you! He has 16 teeth now. His one year molars and then the four I teeth came in one after another between 16-18 months. He is a pretty good eater but is forming an opinion lately on what he gets fed. Some of his favorite foods include apples, noodles, yogurt (as long as he can feed himself!) and pizza.
Ruby asks him to say random words all the time and he's trying!
Example ~
Ruby: "Jace, say curtain.
Jace: "ca."
Ruby: "Good job Jace! Mom, Jace said curtain! Jace, say sandwich."
Jace: "sa-sa."
Ruby: "Good job Jace!....
and on and on and on.... so funny to me!
Words that he can say pretty well (at least well enough that we can understand) include: cheese, juice, water, sissy (we hear this at least 100 times a day!), Ruby, mama, dada, Sydney (ninny), Jon, Joel, Iowa, Hawkeyes (Ha-Ha...yep, that's really how he says it!), Herky (her-her), papa, night-night, shoes, socks, frog, truck, book, dog, ball, baby, no, ya, show (when he wants to watch TV), please (peas), thank you (nu-nu), and probably a few more that I'm not remembering! He really does try to say quite a bit and we are getting better at understanding what he wants. He knows most of his body parts and animal noises.
Jace loves his sissy and they play nice together at least 50% of the time! Ha! Ruby loves him too and I love seeing them grow together!

Jace got to feed his first giraffe on one of our trips to the Niabi Zoo this summer.
He's gonna love this one some day ;)
He loves to brush his teeth and wants to every time we pass the bathroom.
So sweet...