Since we've had snow flurries here the last couple of days, I think it's safe to say that fall is coming to an end. We had an absolutely beautiful fall and enjoyed lots of fun activities! Here are some of the things we've been up to in the last couple months!
A trip to Wilson's Apple Orchard near Solon, IA.
Then to make applesauce with all of our apples! I think my helper ate just as many as she put in the crockpot!
Paul played in the Fire Bowl; a flag football tournament to benefit the Cedar Rapids fire department. The University ER department put together a team for the fourth year and ended up getting second place. It was a beautiful day to watch them play.
Sydney, Deegan, Ruby, and Jace with their second place hardware.
We enjoyed Colony Pumpkin Patch, a mere three minutes from our house!
Grandpa Bill, Grandma LaDonn, Uncle Kenny, Aunt Carrie, and cousin Tate came to visit! We enjoyed the U of I Homecoming Parade.
Grandpa Bill, Uncle Kenny, and Aunt Carrie went to the football game so we took Tate to the Children's Museum.
These two boys are 5 months apart. Double trouble :)
Fun at the IC Library
Ruby ran in her first race! She was so excited to run the 1/2 mile race and she did great! She ran the whole thing and Jace and I couldn't even keep up with her! She only turned around once to give us a quick wave!

With friends: Ava, Clara, and Sydney
Sass Family Farms, near Riverside, IA, with Tyson :)
We hiked with friends at Squire Point.
Ruby had a park date with just Dad!
We took a trip to Atkins, IA to visit Bloomsbury Farm. We had a blast!
Asher, Sydney, Ruby, and Jace
My grandma Erma fell in her garden and broke her hip so we made a Get Well sign and sent her a picture.
We met Jaci, Clara, and Ollie at a park on a foggy morning.
We have fabulous neighbors that let Ruby and Jace drive their daughter's car ;)
Time in Williamsburg
We had a fun night with friends Scott, Nicole, Lauren, and Levi
I took Ruby and Jace to the annual West High Cross Country meet.
Ruby participated in Soccer again this fall.
Telling "spooky" stories by the fire ;)
Ruby has started sharing a room with Jace and they both love it. Jace has been an amazing sleeper since he was about 9 months old. For the past year or so, Ruby has been waking 2-5 times in the middle of the night. If she could snuggle with me all night long she'd be a happy camper. With the new baby coming, Ruby had overheard us talking about the possibility of them sharing rooms. We weren't sure if it would work and obviously our hope was that we'd end up with two good sleepers and not two bad sleepers. Ruby said one day, "If I just sleep by Jace, I won't be scared anymore." So we decided to throw her mattress by his crib and see what happened. We've been doing this for about a month now and Ruby has now turned into a great sleeper so our hope of two good sleepers worked! She tells us that Jace protects her. Sure. Whatever works, Sweetheart! ;)
Jace is taking his first music class without sissy. He loves it!
Carousel rides at the mall
Another trip to Colony Pumpkin Patch. Jace finally rode the just took cousin Sydney!
Ruby and friend Landry
Princess Playdate with Ava and Clara
Enjoying the last few nice days in our backyard
We got season tickets to the University of Iowa volleyball games. Although we never made it through an entire match (most of the games don't start until 7pm), we enjoyed our time in Carver and especially enjoyed seeing Herky!
Jace's first picture with Herky! He shared it with his sissy, and friends Deegan and Hayden.