Annie had two rounds of illness this past month. Nothing serious, just super cuddly and wasn't into drinking much of her bottles.
Snuggles for dad.
She's becoming more mobile and continues to try to climb everything.
Don't let this highchair picture fool you... she still isn't into eating much of anything. Once in a while we can get her to eat some small pieces of bread, frozen veggies, or a baby Mum-Mum. But then the next day she may just gag on those same foods and throw it all up! And then you add in those tummy bugs and we aren't sure if she just wasn't feeling well or if she just gagged. Who knows....!
Crazy hair ;)
Annie got to truly experience her first snow. She wasn't too sure...
...but didn't mind it at all when in mom's arms.
Towards the end of eight months, she started pulling herself up and officially crawling.
She still loves her thumb.
Nine months old on December 6th.
She is such a happy and content baby. She's a mama's girl and usually cries when I leave the room, but now that she can crawl, she usually tries to find me! Her cries don't last long though! Her siblings take good care of her. She gets comments on her cheeks wherever we go. We just love her little smile and bright eyes. It has been fun to see more and more of her personality come out in the last month. She is working on waving, clapping, and touchdown. She can do all three... but isn't very good at doing them on command! She also blows raspberries and does the most adorable little "smack" that resembles a fish face but I call them kisses! We love you, Baby A!
(Ruby, the Queen of Nicknames, has affectionately nicknamed her Baby A, among MANY other things. The nicknames usually change every day and most of the time they are so bizarre and don't resemble the English language. So at least Baby A is short and easy to remember!)