On September 6th, Annie officially turned one and a half! She is so much fun and learning so many things!
She loves being outside and riding in her car.
She loves animals but at the same time, has a healthy fear of them. She just can't get TOO close!
Puppy was one of her first words.
Annie is starting to act like one of the "big" kids. Always has to keep up!
Annie on the left, Ruby on the right
Beach time. Always takes her a bit to warm up to the beach!
Three goofballs...six pairs of sunglasses!
hair is long enough for a small pony. Although she prefers to just
wear a barrette. When I try to do her hair she says, "ouch!"
is a pretty good-natured little girl! She loves her sleep and is
always willing to take her nap or go down for the night. She says
"nigh-night." And she never wakes during the night. In fact, she was
probably around 14 months when she woke up during the night and was
crying. I wasn't sure what to do! Luckily, she took a little drink and
went right back to sleep!
has become a very good eater after such a slow start! Some of her
favorites include, yogurt, frozen peas, cauliflower, green beans,
velveeta shells and cheese, cheese ravioli, lettuce with ranch, and
ketchup. She isn't much of a fruit eater but loves to eat a whole
apple. She pretty much has one every day. She still gets a sippy cup
of milk every morning and prefers it warmed up a bit...spoiled. ;)
loves her brother and sister and gives them hugs and kisses all the
time. She also loves her diaper "raggy." She has started taking it
Some of the words she can say include: mama, dada, papa, no, yeah, puppy, ball, apple, woah
It is such an honor to watch this little girl grow and to be her mama.