Ruby and Annie both got to attend Jace's preschool FEAST for Thanksgiving!
Our Thanksgiving break started out interestingly as we stopped for a treat at a gas station on the way to Sibley. Paul had to work Thanksgiving so it was just me and the kids. We sat down to have an ice cream treat when this nice man sat down at the booth next to us and started chatting with us. He said he had something to show us and if it was ok with me, the kids could take it home. I was really hoping he didn't have a puppy in his car! Turns out, he wanted to give us this step stool and garden basket. How sweet of him. We found out his name was Merrill. What a sweet way to begin the Thanksgiving holiday. There truly are wonderful people in this world. (There is so much more to this story, so if you're interested, you'll just have to ask me sometime!) ;)
The kids made turkeys!
We headed to the church for the annual DeJong Thanksgiving. The kids had so much fun!
Then we had game night with Grandpa Bill and Grandma LaDonn! Hadley spent a lot of time with us over the weekend! The kids love to play with her!
Spoons is the new favorite game at our house now! Jace had so much fun, he asked if we could buy the game! ;)
Grandma always gives the girls a manicure!
After living in Sibley for 18+ years, I had never climbed the Ocheyedan Mound. Actually, my parents had never done this either! For those who don't know, the Ocheydan Mound is a grassy hill with rocks at the top. You are allowed to move the rocks to spell or create anything you'd like! We decided to burn off some energy and climb the Mound! First time for everything!
We made a heart and an I. For LOVE IOWA!
Annie and cousin, Palmer ;)
And then we attended the first annual Holiday lighted parade in Sibley!
Such a wonderful holiday spent with family! And we are so thankful for a daddy who works so hard for us and all the patients that needed him over the Thanksgiving holiday.