Ruby Kae was born on Friday, Dec. 17th, 2010 at 1:16a.m. She weighed 6 lbs 11 oz and was 20 inches long. God has blessed us with the best Christmas present we could receive this year and we think she's a keeper!
Details of Ruby's birth story (in case you're interested...and if you're not, then consider these details as part of my own memory book b/c I don't have the best memory and want to remember how it all went!):
I had contractions Wed. night the 15th and finally decided it was time to go to the hospital around 3:00a.m. on Thursday morning. My water broke as the resident was monitoring me so we were there to stay. We ended up having the c-section talk a couple hours later as Ruby's heartrate was doing some funky things. The doctors went back and forth for over an hour. Just as we were about to say that we would go ahead with the c-section, Ruby's heartbeat started acting appropriately. I labored through the day and got an epidural around 2:30p.m. I went from 4cm to 10cm in two hours and was ready to push around 5:45p.m. Unfortunately, Ruby's head was OP or "sunny side up" which makes it harder to deliver. We once again had the c-section talk after 5 hours of pushing. However, our doctor thought we could hang in there and eventually used the vacuum and forceps to get her out. She arrived at 1:16a.m. Friday morning and had to spend a couple hours in the NICU but was soon able to join us! She is absolutely precious and nothing makes us happier than to have her home with us this wonderful Christmas season!

Uncle Joel
Grandma Ruth, Papa Gary, and cousin Sydney

Uncle Jon and Aunt Stef
Mom and Dad
Gma LaDonn and Gpa Bill
Aunt Hattie
Aunt Carrie and Uncle Kenny
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