Ruby turned seven months on July 17th. She is now sitting up very easily on her own. She has tried Puffs and doesn't care for them one bit. She was doing a great job eating baby food but for some reason in the last week or so, she has decided that she doesn't want her morning cereal/fruit. So she gets a bottle instead. She will however, eat her fruits and veggies at suppertime. She has two teeth on the bottom and still takes three naps. Her favorite trick the last month is to blow raspberries and boy can she go wild when she gets excited! Spit flies everywhere and on everyone and for some reason we think she couldn't be cuter! We probably won't say this if she continues doing this next year at this time! I weighed her the other day and I think she weighs a whopping 21 pounds! Her giggle is the best sound ever and we love her more every day!