We moved to Sioux Falls on June 19th. We are getting settled and are loving our new house. Paul started working as an Emergency Medicine doctor at Avera McKennan Hospital on July 11th, which gave us time to relax before he got busy with shifts. Although we miss Paul's brother, Jon, sister-in-law Stef, and niece Sydney (BIG time), living in Sioux Falls means we get to see the rest of our family more often. The rest of our siblings live in Sioux Falls now and my sister, Hattie is even living with us right now! We've also made a few trips back to Sibley already to see both sets of grandparents.
Ruby and her aunt, Hattie
Ruby meeting Kinnick, Uncle Kenny and Aunt Carrie's dog
Ruby at the zoo for the first time

Hanging outside
Helping daddy in his new office

Love the pictures . . . Ruby is such a cutie pie! We are very excited to see you all in a couple of weeks!