Our sweet Ruby girl turned 9 months on Saturday! It was a great day as the Hawks had an awesome come-back to beat Pittsburgh! Although Ruby's shirt is hard to see, she's sporting a pink-sequined Hawkeye onesie. The pictures below seem to portray her attitude throughout the game!
Ruby still only has two teeth. She is crawling all over the place - she likes to follow me around! She is starting to pull up on some things. She loves her bath, rough-housing with her daddy, and being held by mommy!
Ugh...the Hawks are losing...

Yay! The Hawks finally scored!

Oh boy, this game is making me nervous!

Woo hoo! The Hawkeyes WIN!!!!!
And just a few other pictures as of late...

Jon, Stef, and Sydney were able to spend the night at our house on their way to Fargo, ND.

...and Happy Birthday to Papa Gary!
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