Where is the time going? 11 months...really?! Ruby now has 6 teeth. She is walking behind a walker but really has no interest in standing on her own, let alone taking any steps. She has started "being shy" when she meets new people or sees someone in her house that she hasn't seen for awhile. She will bury her head in my shoulder. For the past few days she has refused to eat almost everything. She basically lives on yogurt melts, cheerios, and corn puffs. Silly girl. She still gets three bottles a day but has started to really get the hang of her sippy cup too. Ruby loves to play "chase," do "360s" with her daddy, and play "peek-a-boo." For the past month, Ruby has also been "growling like a bear." Not really sure how this started but it is one of her favorite tricks and of course makes us laugh every time she does it! She probably should have been a bear for Halloween! ;)

Getting the hang of walking...

...but sometimes this happens!



What happens when you fight your normal nap time! :)
Kinnick, Uncle Kenny and Aunt Carrie's dog, came for a visit! For the most part these two were oblivious of each other! They both just did their own thing! Although they both felt trapped by the baby gate!

We made a trip to Iowa City for Sydney's 3rd birthday party. Although I didn't get any pics of the birthday girl, here is Ruby enjoying a ride at Sydney's "Pig Birthday Party."

Watching the Hawkeyes with Uncle Kenny.

Snuggles for Daddy :)

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