I just had to share this...! When I found out last year that I would be teaching 3rd grade, one thing I thought of right away was the end of the year field trip to the ZOO! I LOVE the zoo! As the end of the year approached, I shared my love (and weird phobia... I love animals but really don't want to touch them... even dogs scare me!) of the zoo with my students and I'm pretty sure I was just as excited as they were! The zoo has a rule that there be an adult for every 5 students so that meant I basically got to hang out at the zoo with only 5 students! Pretty cool! I definitely hand-picked these 5 boys for myself for many reasons. One has Ausbergers, a couple of them have ADHD, and a few of them have less than ideal home lives. Now, don't get me wrong,
they ALL have VERY, VERY loving parents. But one of the boy's parents are going through a divorce and a couple of them expressed to me that they had never been to a zoo in their entire third grade lives. We also got to cross the Mississippi on our way to the zoo - another first for several students. I just wanted these boys in MY group so I could make sure we had a BLAST at the zoo. And that we did! It was great! They definitely thought we needed to run from one area of the zoo to the other so they kept me on my toes! It seriously was great though! And this picture is just too awesome not to share!
Side note: after school got out, one of the boy's parents were arrested for having a meth lab IN their home. It seriously broke my heart to hear that one. So if you have an extra few minutes to just pray for these kiddos, I would sure appreciate it and the miracle of prayer is so powerful that it just might make a difference in these boys' lives.
It is great that you would take the time to spend with these boys when I bet you had to work extra hard! I wish all of the teachers out there cared as much as you...it would certainly make a difference in our scary world.