This is Ella. She is one of my cross country runners. Even though I won't be coaching at Lone Tree next year, she will always be one of MY cross country runners. Although I could probably devote a post to each and every runner on my team, because they are all equally cool kids, Ella and I seemed to get the closest throughout our years together. She is one of a kind, I tell ya. This girl is so sweet, determined, humble, and kind-hearted. She loves competition and puts forth her best effort in ALL she does. I have often said that I hope Ruby grows up to have many of the same qualities that Ella has. I will miss her next year! (But I have promised her and the rest of my team that I WILL be at a meet next year. And I've already marked my calendar for the STATE meet that they WILL be at!) So Ella, this post is for you! Thank you for being you! Keep working hard and text me whenever! ;)

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