My baby girl is ONE! Goodness, this year has flown and so much has changed for our little family! I can honestly say, that Paul and I have enjoyed every minute of this year with our precious babe. Ruby is such a joy and we simply cannot kiss her and hug her enough!
We had a little party for her on Saturday with our immediate families. She has been such a momma's girl lately and I was worried she'd be pretty shy with so many people in her house. But I was wrong! She was the life of the party! She showed off all of her tricks and enjoyed showing people how old she is now! The many gifts she received was just one more reminder of how spoiled and utterly blessed we are! Ruby did just what I expected when it came to her cake. She picked at it for the first little bit and when she realized we weren't going to take it away, she dug in and got very messy! As far as I could tell, she thoroughly enjoyed her birthday!
At her one year doctor appt. she weighed 23 pounds, 14.5 ounces which put her in the 90th percentile. Her height shot up from the 69th percentile (from her 9mo. appt.) to the 90th percentile! Her head circumference is still around the 25th percentile. She still has 7 teeth. She practically runs behind her walker, especially when being chased, but still isn't interested in taking any steps on her own. We have caught her letting go of furniture, toys, etc. lately but she will only stand on her own for a couple seconds before sitting down and crawling to her next destination. A couple weeks ago she climbed the entire set of stairs from our basement to the upstairs on her first try. She is fast, funny, and friendly! She waves to every stranger around lately, and makes some of the funniest faces! Her latest tricks are showing us she's ONE, tapping her legs, finding her ears, signing "more," and blowing kisses! She has taken on many nicknames in her first year of life (Rubes, Ruby Doobie, Rubes-Scadoobs, Root-Scooten' Doobie, to name a few!) and I'm sure there will be many more to come!

We love you forever and for always! We can't believe God gave you to us and we are excited to see what this next year brings for you. XOXO
~Mommy and Daddy
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