Better late than never, right?! I figured since January is about over, I better update the blog or January will be non-existent on my blog profile! Paul worked over Christmas so Ruby and I headed to Sibley for a few days without him. Then we celebrated with Paul's family Dec.30 and 31st at our house. It was a lot of fun...except I ended up getting sick so Ruth and Stef ended up taking care of every meal and all the cleanup, so I felt really bad about that since I was supposed to be the host...oh, and it was our 7th anniversary on the 31st too. We had plans to go out with Jon, Stef, and Joel, but I ruined those plans...I was in bed by 9:30. Happy New Year! Good memories! :) We then drove back to Sibley on January 1st and celebrated with my family. It was a wonderful time and Ruby enjoyed opening her presents and playing with the boxes they came in!

My family:
My parents, Bill and LaDonn
Paul's Family:
Paul's dad Gary, brother Joel
Paul, me, Ruby, Paul's mom Ruth, niece Sydney, sister-in-law Stef, and brother Jon

My Aunt Susan and her kids were here from Colorado for the holidays so we had to take them to Peach Wave. We are hoping to make a trip to see them for Turner's graduation in May.

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