Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Annie ~ 18 Months

On September 6th, Annie officially turned one and a half!  She is so much fun and learning so many things!

She loves being outside and riding in her car.

She loves animals but at the same time, has a healthy fear of them.  She just can't get TOO close!
Puppy was one of her first words.

Annie is starting to act like one of the "big" kids.  Always has to keep up!

Annie on the left, Ruby on the right

Beach time.  Always takes her a bit to warm up to the beach!


Three goofballs...six pairs of sunglasses!

 Annie's hair is long enough for a small pony.  Although she prefers to just wear a barrette.  When I try to do her hair she says, "ouch!" 

Annie is a pretty good-natured little girl!  She loves her sleep and is always willing to take her nap or go down for the night.  She says "nigh-night."  And she never wakes during the night.  In fact, she was probably around 14 months when she woke up during the night and was crying.  I wasn't sure what to do!  Luckily, she took a little drink and went right back to sleep!

She has become a very good eater after such a slow start!  Some of her favorites include, yogurt, frozen peas, cauliflower, green beans, velveeta shells and cheese, cheese ravioli, lettuce with ranch, and ketchup.  She isn't much of a fruit eater but loves to eat a whole apple.  She pretty much has one every day.  She still gets a sippy cup of milk every morning and prefers it warmed up a bit...spoiled.  ;)  

She loves her brother and sister and gives them hugs and kisses all the time.  She also loves her diaper "raggy."  She has started taking it everywhere. 

Some of the words she can say include: mama, dada, papa, no, yeah, puppy, ball, apple, woah

It is such an honor to watch this little girl grow and to be her mama.

Ruby and Mama take Phoenix!

 In the middle of August, Ruby and I took a girls' trip to Phoenix to see Uncle Brandon and Aunt Hattie.  We were to fly out of Cedar Rapids at 9pm.  This is how the trip started...

Our flight was originally delayed an hour.  Our drive to the airport was horrible.  I thought about pulling over but then decided that may actually be more dangerous.  So I just followed the car's lights in front of me.  When Ruby and I pulled into the airport, it was still pouring.  We waited in the car for awhile but then decided we needed to get going.  We ran in the pouring rain to the covered walkway.  We were completely soaked.  


We made it through security fine...but then we sat and waited...and waited...
Our flight was never officially delayed but weather kept us from boarding.  
Someone couldn't stay awake.


 Finally at midnight, we boarded!  We boarded when we should have been landing.  
That's never a fun thought!  Ruby woke up to board and stayed awake through take-off.

 Aunt Hattie picked us up in the middle of the night for both her and us.  It took about 45 minutes to get back to their condo.  Ruby woke up for landing and stayed awake the whole ride back to the condo. 

 First pic in the morning when we finally woke up!

Ruby was excited to see Autzen too!

 Since the temp was already 100+ we checked out the pool!  The water was like bath water.

We went out for lunch.

 Than we picked up Uncle Brandon from work!

We went to Creamology, an ice cream place where they make it right in front of you with liquid nitrogen!  So cool! 

 Cotton candy with cookie dough bites...interesting combo!

 On Friday, we drove up South Mountain.  When we got to the top and got out, Ruby said, "Wow, this is cooler than I thought it would be!"  It was obviously very hot, but we hiked around a little and took some great shots!

And we searched for lizards!



After our adventure on South Mountain, we hit up the best gelato place in town...FROST!  


 That afternoon while Brandon studied, we went to the Phoenix Aquarium.


That night we went out for supper and did a little shopping.  And Ruby got up close and personal to the misters trying to keep cool!

And we went to FROST again!  Twice in one day!!!

Sunday we did a short hike up Hole in the Rock.



 Then it was time to say goodbye to Autzen.

 And back to the airport.
Yes, we all wore the same leggings and got tons of "compliments" all day!

We said our goodbye's and kept ourselves occupied at the airport with Sleeping Queens.

 We had the best mommy/daughter time!

Thank you Uncle Brandon and Aunt Hattie for such a wonderful trip!  Maybe next time, we'll take the whole family!  We love you guys!