Sunday, July 26, 2015

Annie Update

Picture overload!  This little sweetie is already 4 months old!  She has been a great baby so far and gets a lot of love around here.  
I made a very hard decision after the first two weeks of her life to turn her into a formula fed baby.  I know the decision we made will be just fine and she will still be a healthy, smart, and loved little girl, but it was hard.  I so badly wanted to be a nursing mom but it just wasn't the best decision for any of us.  She's thriving and happy so I don't think she minds!  ;)  

One month old

Bundled up while big sister and big brother play outside

I tell people that when Ruby comes close, Annie gets a big SMILE.  When Jace comes close, she gets big EYES.  He loves her as the picture shows.  He just isn't always the most gentle.  

She starting finding her thumb.

First smiles

Two months old
Annie started sleeping through the night around 2 months old.
She received Leona the Cat from daddy after his work trip to Dallas.  

Two month check up

Three months old

First time in the bumbo

Caught her sucking her middle two fingers like I did when I was a baby :)

Sometimes she gets "too much love"  ;)

First time swimming

Matching swimsuits with sissy

Wild brother...

Oh this picture cracks me up.  It looks like Jace is having such a sweet conversation with his little sister but really he's saying, "Annie, you stink?  You have a dirty diaper?"  

Annie's not much of a snuggler.  She loves being held, but when it comes to sleep, she prefers to be laid down to fall asleep on her own.  

For the first three months, Annie loved being swaddled at night.  She'd wake up in the night if she wasn't swaddled.  However, she continued to find her thumb more and more and after mastering the thumb suck when tired, she prefered that over being swaddled.  So we no longer swaddle her and she's happier with her thumb instead.  

Playing with toys already

She doesn't get a lot of her own space ;)

First Fourth of July 

Four months old
She has a pretty decent schedule down, taking six, four to six ounce bottles every day.  I wake her every evening before I go to bed and feed her her last bottle and then she sleeps all night long.  

Watching sissy play tee-ball after getting her four month shots

She rolled over twice on the couch (while I was sitting right by her) from her tummy to her back.  

She has already gained a lot of nicknames, mostly from Ruby that Jace ends up using as well.  Some of them include, Sister Perfect, Junior or Ju-Ju, and Annie Ba-nannie.  ;)  
We can't get enough of that sweet little smile and those twinkling eyes!  
Love you, Annie girl.