Sunday, September 12, 2010

Week 22 - 25

22 weeks

25 weeks... Go HAWKS! ;)


  1. You look great! How are you feeling? Thanks for the update . . . we love to see new pictures and hear about what you all have been up to.

  2. Thanks Katie! I'm feeling good - just can't run around the golf courses like I used to! I still try to do what I can but after last Tuesday night I knew I did too much! Otherwise feeling great! I'm glad your parents could spend some time with you over Labor Day!

  3. Hi Katie. Looking good. I realized I don't think I've seen you since you got your prego belly. We need to get together.

  4. You look great!!!!!!!!!! You are too cute, I hope all is going well. Are the guys up for golfing yet! We would love to see you all. And we are willing to come that way if that is easier. Take care.. Do you know what you are having? I have lots of boys clothes wanting to bless someone else with!BUt between you and Jana i have a 50% percent chance of doing that. Hope you are feeling good, tell Paul hi!

  5. Erin, yes we need to get together!

    Melissa, thanks! and I will talk to Paul about golfing. The next few weekends are quite busy though... between his work schedule and my brother getting married, we have plenty on our plate - but we would love to see you too! We don't know what we are having so it will be a fun surprise! Lots of babes in the family these days!!!! So fun!
