Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Other July Festivities

 The rest of July brought many more fun activities and adventures! 

We took a trip to the Raptor Center.  Although we didn't end up with any pictures of the raptors, soon after hitting the trail, Ruby found this itty bitty frog.  While we were there, we got to see one of the workers clean inside the Bald Eagle's cage.  We also got within ten feet of a deer who passed through the bird feeding area while we were in the bird blind.  Ruby spotted it first, and I wasn't fast enough to think of getting a picture!

This picture shows the awesomeness of the neighborhood we live in.  This is a full-on salon that some of the older girls set up!  You could get your hair done or get a manicure or pedicure.  Fortunately, this was a free event which isn't always the case with the budding entrepreneurs of the neighborhood.  ;)  We have had countless invites to visit the flower shop, miniature golf course, lemonade stand, bake sale, or attend a concert. And there is ALWAYS something to buy!

Papa Gary and Grandma Ruth bought a camper at the end of last summer.  They had it in their driveway for a few nights and Ruby and Jace got to take a "test drive" in the driveway!  Jace did great so he was allowed to make the next camping trip in Pella.

My friend Ally, who nannies for these three adorable kiddos, was in town for the summer!  So we went blueberry picking!  So hot, but SO fun!

And the next day we met up again at the Castle Park!

We made a gigantic chalk city ;)

Jace and I got to go on a swim date, just the two of us!

And here are the three big cousins camping in Pella!

Every night Gary and Ruth camp in Pella, Papa John and Grandma Dorothy bring Dairy Queen ice cream!  The kids wouldn't argue with that great set-up!

It's not camping unless you get dirty!

One of the activities Ruby was most looking forward to was riding bikes in their jammies!

Paul's cousin, Chloe, who everyone adores, came to the campground the next morning to help Papa and Grandma!  It was SO hot so they spent some time playing games, reading...

... and then headed to the awesome Pella pool.

Lowes held Saturday morning "Build and Grow" sessions throughout the summer.  When we found out they would be making 6 of the Avengers superheroes, we were in.  Our little Super hero loving 3-year-old LOVED it!  Here they are pictured with THOR.  We now have all 6 super heroes!  
Thanks LOWES!  

We watched our friends and neighbors kids for a day.  

Another sleepover with Sydney.

Sydney, Ruby, and Clara did a Dance/Theater/Craft camp at Nolte.

 Jace, Annie, and I went to the Johnson Country fair one of the mornings that Ruby was at camp.

One evening when daddy had to sleep, we enjoyed the rides at City Park.

This was a pretty familiar scene in July!

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